Handlebar Bags

It doesn't always have to be a multi-day bike tour, a bike bag makes carrying luggage on your bike so much easier. If you want safe storage for small, valuable things like your wallet, your keys or your smartphone, you should consider using a handlebar bag. It keeps your things not only within your reach, you also never lose sight of them. You can take most handlebar bags off very easily, and wear them over your shoulder on a shoulder strap, so you can carry them with you like any other hand bag.

It doesn't always have to be a multi-day bike tour, a bike bag makes carrying luggage on your bike so much easier. If you want safe storage for small, valuable things like your wallet, your keys or your smartphone, you should consider using a handlebar bag. It keeps your things not only within your reach, you also never lose sight of them. You can take most handlebar bags off very easily, and wear them over your shoulder on a shoulder strap, so you can carry them with you like any other hand bag.