Even an expensive helmet of good quality will wear down over the years. When parts of your helmet get lost or break, you don't have to invest in a new helmet, there are replacement parts for lost clasps and sweaty pads. You will find all the accessories that you need to repair or upgrade your biking helmet. With a new visor or fresh pads your helmet will certainly last another season.
Which helmet you need depends on your cycling style. Here in our online shop you will of course find the right mountain bike helmets, road bike helmets, city and touring helmets and many colourful children's helmets. You'll also find the right spare parts and accessories for each helmet, such as visors or rain covers.
Especially on mountain bike helmets, the visor likes to get broken. Here you can find new visors for full-face helmets or half-shell helmets, as well as the corresponding replacement screws. We have accessories to fit the different helmets from the leading manufacturers in the shop.
Frequent helmet wear, generated sweat and regular washing will eventually cause even the highest quality pads to lose their fit. You can easily replace slab, frayed, smelly pads
Also to fine-tune your helmet size, replacement pads in different sizes and thicknesses can be helpful.
Most bike helmets have plenty of vents. However, when it rains, these vents are rather inconvenient. Adding a waterproof rain hood will make your helmet rainproof.
To keep your helmet in top shape even on long trips, we recommend a matching helmet bag. This will protect your helmet from ugly scratches and getting dusty in the off-season.
Please note: If your bike helmet has visible damage, you should look for a new one! Even if you've dropped it or after a fall, a new helmet is due, as scuffs can affect the helmet's safety even if they're not visible. If the straps are fraying, the colours are fading or the rivets and screws are corroding, it's better to invest in a new helmet than to tinker with an old one!